any user,

Central component
Every room call or alarm call can be sent to (a group of) users, regardless of the types of communication equipment assigned to these users: IP-Dect handsets, pagers and mobile phones can be included in a single group. The Netrix Notification Gateway can carry out a number of actions at predetermined times: it can send specific text messages at specific times to a group of recipients.
Different Netrix servers can be interconnected via TCP/IP, according to the master/slave principle, with the master performing the coordination of the alarm calls which arrive on all the message servers and for processing these to where an output is desired.
The Netrix Notification Gateway can carry out a number of actions at predetermined times: it can send specific text messages at specific times to a group of recipients. And it is possible to use a secure website to make manual calls to one or more output receiver(s) or a combination of multiple receivers, using conversion tables if desired.
Combined with iCall in one system, the Netrix can change the room status within the nurse call system. If, for example, an alarm or notification enters the Netrix, this can change the status of the specific room via a TCP/IP command, for example to ‘call’.